Thursday, April 30, 2009

Still working on link

hi all - bear with us while we work the technical details of the web streaming. the link should be forthcoming! :)

much love
k & c

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's so on!

kelly snook and caeli lohr

we realize that this is going to come as a shock to most of you, so we are working hard to put some details here for everyone later today! but for now, we just we are just incredibly happy to announce that we are getting married this Friday night at 10:30pm Eastern!

due to global warming and the economy, we are making it easy for all to observe by webcasting our little ceremony!! stay tuned for the webcast link, which will be forthcoming later today or tomorrow.

anyone in the Boston area who would like to join us is most welcome to come to MIT in person.

get ready to rock!